Learn About Mullein

MOUNTAIN Smokes Learning Center - History of Mullein

History and Cultural Significance of Mullein

What is Mullein? Known scientifically as Verbascum thapsus, mullein is a hairy biennial plant capable of thriving in varied habitats throughout the world. Flavorless, and smooth as silk, mullein has long been a favored component of herbal preparations meant for smoking, including those at MOUNTAIN Smokes. Throughout history, mullein has left its footprint on cultures…

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What is Mullein?

What is Mullein? Mullein, known scientifically as Verbascum thapsus (V. thapsus), or ‘common mullein’, is a biennial plant with ancient history. Rooted in holistic folk medicine and found throughout the world, mullein is considered a pervasive and arguably invasive species. Its prolific production of seeds and ability to thrive in a multitude of temperate regions…

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